What happens to your donations?

All donations to Drink for Pink are used to fund local cancer research in the state of Colorado. Drink for Pink is a volunteer organization meaning all board members and volunteers have agreed to help the organization without any form of payment or compensation. Because we’re a self-funded organization, we do use some proceeds from events to cover costs like marketing materials, t-shirt designs, and payment for federal/state filings. However, we aim to keep these as low as possible, and in the future, we aim to have the costs covered by a grant. We publish a breakdown at the end of each year covering our financials in detail.


At the end of each year, we take all remaining funds in our bank account and write a check to Cancer League of Colorado (a volunteer-based 501(c)3 nonprofit in Colorado that raises over $1 million per year). Research grants need between $25,000 and $50,000 in funding.  Cancer League pairs our funds with funds of their own to create a $25,000 or $50,000 grant. Then, as part of their research review process, they review grant applicants and award our funds as part of a larger grant specifically to a breast cancer research group in the state of Colorado.

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