We're not against fundraising that raises awareness (far from it). We believe awareness is part of the equation, but ultimate, the cure that ends cancer for good is going to come from the lab. As a result, 100% of our proceeds fund lab research.
Where does my money go?
We understand the skepticism behind non-profit donations. That's why we promise to be fully transparent with where our money is going. We'll be sharing stories of Colorado researchers that are actually benefiting from your donations as well as reports of where every single cent went. We're committed to making a difference, not a profit. Drink for Pink is a 501(c)3 nonprofit. You can find out more on our disclosures page.
Fundraising for health by drinking? Seems ironic.
First and most importantly, we always advocate responsible drinking. Second, some studies indicate that beer may offer some health benefits when consumed in moderation ("moderation" being the key word).
How can I help?
The easiest way to contribute is to sign up for our newsletter, sign up to volunteer & to follow up on our social media pages.
If you're a brewery that would like to get involved, please reach out to us here.
What happens to your donations?
All donations to Drink for Pink are used to fund local cancer research in the state of Colorado. Drink for Pink is a volunteer organization meaning all board members and volunteers have agreed to help the organization without any form of payment or compensation. Because we’re a self-funded organization, we do use some proceeds from events to cover costs like marketing materials, t-shirt designs, and payment for federal/state filings. However, we aim to keep these as low as possible, and in the future, we aim to have the costs covered by a grant. We publish a breakdown at the end of each year covering our financials in detail.
At the end of each year, we take all remaining funds in our bank account and write a check to Cancer League of Colorado (a volunteer-based 501(c)3 nonprofit in Colorado that raises over $1 million per year). Research grants need between $25,000 and $50,000 in funding. Cancer League pairs our funds with funds of their own to create a $25,000 or $50,000 grant. Then, as part of their research review process, they review grant applicants and award our funds as part of a larger grant specifically to a breast cancer research group in the state of Colorado.