2023 Transparency Report

As we close out 2023, we at Drink for Pink would like to extend our deepest gratitude to everyone who has supported our mission to fund breast cancer research. This year marks a significant transition for us, as it will be the last year that Drink for Pink operates as an independent charity. Moving forward, we will be merging our efforts with the Cancer League of Colorado's Young Professional chapter to continue our shared mission of making a difference in the fight against breast cancer.

Financial Overview:

In 2023, Drink for Pink raised a total of $47,324.38. This remarkable achievement was made possible by the generosity of our donors, the dedication of our volunteers, and the enthusiasm of everyone who participated in our events.
Income Breakdown High Level:
Total Event Dollars: $36,888.97
Paypal Donations: $2,285.79
Cash Donations*: $8,149.62

*Includes $6,000 donation for food at Brunchin’ for Breast Cancer

Fundraising Expenses:

To carry out our activities and ensure the success of our fundraising efforts, we incurred expenses totaling $9,883.33. These expenses covered a variety of necessary costs, including event organization, marketing, administrative expenses, and other operational costs. We take pride in our commitment to financial transparency and efficiency, ensuring that the majority of the funds raised go directly to supporting breast cancer research.
Expense Breakdown High Level:
Website/Hosting Fees: $280.89
Merchandise: $341.02
Marketing: $912.31
Event Cost*: $8,049.11
Taxes**: $300.00

*Includes $6,000 cost for food at Brunchin’ for Breast Cancer
** For the first time in Drink for Pink history, we had to hire a professional CPA since we raised over $50,000 in 2022 Donation to Cancer League of Colorado
This year, we are proud to announce that we donated $35,000 to the Cancer League of Colorado. These funds will be directed towards groundbreaking research initiatives aimed at finding a cure for breast cancer. By supporting the Cancer League of Colorado, we are contributing to the advancement of research that could save lives and bring hope to countless individuals affected by this disease.

Future of Drink for Pink

2023 marks a pivotal moment in the history of Drink for Pink. As we prepare to merge our efforts with the Cancer League of Colorado's Young Professional chapter, we are excited about the opportunities this collaboration will bring. Together, we believe we can amplify our impact and continue to drive progress in breast cancer research. While Drink for Pink will no longer exist as an independent charity, our mission lives on through this partnership, and we remain committed to making a difference in the fight against breast cancer.
Closing Remarks

We want to express our heartfelt thanks to everyone who has been a part of the Drink for Pink journey over the years. Your support has made all the difference, and we look forward to continuing our work in this new chapter with the Cancer League of Colorado. Thank you for standing with us in the fight against breast cancer.

For any questions or further details about our financials, please feel free to reach out to us. We remain dedicated to transparency and welcome any inquiries from our supporters.

Together, we can make a difference.

Update on our 2022 Recipient:

Part of Drink for Pink’s mission is to showcase our grant recipients and share the impactful research they conduct. While identifying suitable grants that focus on breast cancer research can be a lengthy process, we are excited to officially announce the recipient of our 2022 donation of $50,000. The funding was awarded to a collaborative project led by Dr. Carol Sartorius and Dr. Heather M. Brechbuhl. Their research, titled “Mechanisms and Vulnerabilities of Fatty Acid Metabolism in Endocrine-Resistant Breast Cancer,” is outlined in the summary below.

The purpose of this project is to bridge the historically divided fields of nutrition and molecular metabolism. The submitted proposal is a collaborative proposal that involves 8 investigators who will employ dietary interventions in an in vivo model of endocrine-resistant breast cancer - modifying the polyunsaturated fatty acid constituents and measuring downstream impact on the whole body and tumor-specific metabolism.

The goal of this proposal is to focus solely on in vitro mechanistic studies of the FADS2 enzyme to generate preliminary data for both U01 and R01 mechanisms. The results of the proposed studies will serve two goals: 1) strengthen preliminary data on FADS2 specifically to rationalize in vivo studies in anticipation of resubmission of the U01 proposal (council review fall 2024, earliest possible funding without resubmission spring/summer 2025), and 2) serve as the basis for submission of a traditional MPI R01 focused on the study of FADS enzymes as targets for breast cancer treatment. These two goals are not mutually exclusive. The proposed studies are not currently supported by any other mechanism. The investigators are confident they can successfully leverage preliminary data proposed in this grant to procure extramural funding through NIH mechanisms to continue these novel studies.
This is the second time that Drink for Pink funds have been granted to Dr. Sartorius and her team of researchers, stay tuned for more info on this project as it develops.

Total Amount Donated since 2015: